Minggu, 19 Maret 2017


A Paper
Submitted to fulfill the assignment of General Hermeneutik

Dr. Zainul Adzfar, M. Ag

Written by:
Dliyaul fahmi (134211069)


A.      Background
Given the rapid development of the methods offered to reveal a phenomenon that occurs in the world, or can be called by history, covering various aspects such as sample aspects of life, nature, art, culture and others, making a special attraction to know the events that passed pretext past.
Thereby stimulating the curiosity to know who is so strong from all walks of life are trying to find to the purity of the actions that take place continuously from the past to the present. Therefore Hermeneutic
 method was presented for open discourse unmasked buried in history.
One of the figures who pioneered a method to solve these problems is known as a philosopher and the historian Wilhelm Dilthey. So for that we will try to explain as well as offering a method that in life, as best as we can. Besides this paper, we arrange to meet college t Tasks gems we received.
B.       Formulation of the problem
1.      Biography of Wilhelm Dilthey
2.      Hermeneutics and Science humanity in view of Wilhelm Dilthey
1 Biography of Wilhelm Dilthey
Wilhelm Dilthey was born in Biebrich, Wiesbaden, Germany Confederation, 19 November 1833, her father was a pastor and preacher, according to the tradition of his family lived for generations, he is a liberal adopts and Protestant theology, besides that Dilthey also includes a person who religious. Since his childhood, he already looks very interest in history and politics. His mother was the daughter of a music conductor and his mother was also very fond of music. Dilthey inherited interest in music from his family, it is seen that during his time being a student he studied music composition and enjoyed playing the piano. Essay first published in book form in 1932 made ​​it into German under the title Of Poetry and Music[1].
He graduated from the grammar in Wiesbaden in 1852, Dilthey continuing education Theology in Heidelberg for a year. When studying at Heidelberg, he was mentored by Fischer. Then he moved to the University of Berlin and for there to be guided by Adolf Trendelenburg Dilthey and Ranke[2]. At first a Dilthey interested in being a pastor, followed his father's footsteps. But after meeting with eminent historians such as Jacob Grimm and Leopold von Ranke and turned their sights more attracted to than philosophy and history.
In 1864 Dilthey obtain his doctorate and later served as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Basel in 1867, the same year he published the results of his work is at once a biography titled Sehleiermacher (Das Leben Schleiermacher)[3]. In the year 1868-1870 at the University of Kiel and in Breslau in 1981 he also served as a Professor. After a long wandering in search is science, he then returned to Berlin to replace Herman Lotze in 1882-1905 as the oldest teacher[4].
Nonetheless Wilhelm Dilthey is not so in the know, compared to those whose names are known as intellectuals. Another country of origin, he was known as a philosopher as well as those of skill in the field of philosophical hermeneutics, he also has a big hand in that. It is relatively unknown people, because people see themselves from another point of view as a historical researcher, his efforts to appear as a collection of works in which are arranged in seven volume, especially with regard to the historical understanding of the research[5]. He died at six am Schlern, Austria-Hungary, October 1, 1911 at the age of 77 years[6].
2 Hermeneutics and Science humanity in view of Wilhelm Dilthey
Departing from Wilhelm Dilthey's ambition to develop a new epistemological basis for the judgment of history, as seen from the background is a philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey concerned with history as well known as a historian, he assumes that the prior-previous philosophical view on something is not comprehensive and is still affected by metaphysical dogma and still rich with prejudices method[7]. So that makes the basic foundation to develop a new epistemological basis for consideration in the history of philosophical ideas.
Hermeneutic method developed by Wilhelm Dilthey an objective hermeneutics, in conjuction with the text as an object in the review, to opening a destiny understanding the intent of a text that is the same as understanding the author. Not far from the interpretation offered by Friedrick Schleiermacher (1768-1834), given Schleiermacher including Hermeneut with objective methods, argues that what it is called Text is an expression of the soul of the author[8].
In view to assessing Geisteswisswienschaften Dilthey, Hermeneutics objective it is necessary to use the article of hermeneutics is the basis for understanding the specifics about the individual's involvement in public life and classified as humanitarian disciplines. In general Geisteswisswienschaften into the history of science discussion section, which is juxtaposed with Naturwissenschaften or can be called with terminology natural science, the study of the history of science Dilthey distinguish these two things are sharp, as these two things have a role and wording of each in the corridor scope. Although different, according to Dilthey's Naturwissenschaften Geisteswisswienschaften and interdependence, as the phrase "Life is full of meaning" he explained, when we try to explain the universe, then we also understand spiritual life[9].
  Because Geisteswisswienschaften discuss about the inner life of human beings or human beings in general, the scope of the discussion covers the history, psychology, philosophy, social science, art, religion, literature and other sciences are included in is discussed. Besides that. according to Dilthey because Geisteswisswienschaften a science-the science of life[10], which cant be treated as scientific methods of exact science, because the science dealing with human life, which tends to have the quality character of feksibel may change at any time with an unknown timeline and also because humans are living things evolved.
Unlike the Naturwissenschaften or natural sciences challenge the discussion about the physical nature such as biology, chemistry, physics and sciences related to this field[11], as well as all kinds of science that uses the scientific method of induction and the results of experiments that can be known with certainty by using methods.
To apply Geisteswisswienschaften to find understanding for others, step to understand ourselves first is an absolute must. An experience of life depends on the experiences of the mind itself, while the word "experience" is the purpose of Dilthey is a living experience in a sense that is contained in the timeline, which form a unity because having meanings unify interrelated. In a general sense, any entity that includes the parts of life that are united by a bond in the flow of life, giving rise to a sense of the diverse shades because of a connection, for example: the experiences of friendship, love, revolution, beauty, pain, ambition , frustration, experiences is a small sample of inner experience that is rich in meaning. Interrelated interactions, relationships that have led to the emergence of meaning, so that the human self can get to know each so on and this real difference between humans and animals[12].
In this case Dilthey gives a sense of meaning and underline the difference between the word "experience" in German is called "Erfahrung" with the word "Experience" or in German language "Erlebnis", the word derived from the verb "erleben" meaningful experience. The word Erlebnis basically do not include the standard language and rarely used German society in general. After Dilthey use the word to mark a distinction between the meaning and interpretation of two words before, then the word "Erlebnis" into words and meanings specific to mark the difference to understand the meaning and interpretation between the ordinary experiences of each person with experiences included in Geisteswisswienschaften which requires special methodology in understanding it. Dilthey effort in applying the method of objective hermeneutics concerns about the assessment of individual knowledge and knowledge about human existence of this singularity, aims to make these problems can be solved by using scientific methods[13].
One thing that is very unusual, if we can understand what the other person just the appreciation of their experiences. Particularly related in history, as described above, that the consciousness of self is the most absolute, while others will understand. Dilthey strengthen the statement, that the gain of the human experience is the product of external factors, which include family, culture and values ​​that differ from one place to another Setra influenced by a certain timeline.
Dilthey added, an important step for the basic epistemology of the human sciences, is the transition from the structure of continuity in the individual's life experiences to historical continuity, which is not experienced by any individual that it becomes whole[14].
  1. Conclusions
Philosopher in his lifetime which gives it much greater knowledge in understanding life as a whole.
Philosophy of life Dilthey explains that life is a complete unity of the various aspects of the surrounding. Life is not only limited to religious dogma and human experience, but life is a series of events that converge in the history of life itself.
Humanities (geisteswissenschaften) Dilthey explains that every human being is bound to the life history of each. Required a comprehensive understanding to explain the thinking and the series of events that occurred the history of life itself. Therefore, the history of the foundation of the world in the study of human interpretation and understanding is the key to the interpretation.
B.       references.
E.Sumaryono, "Hermeneutik, Sebuah Metode Filsafat", (Yogyakarta: Percetakan Kanisius, 1993),
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method "Kebenaran dan Metode,Pengantar filsafat Hermeneutika" ( Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset, 2004).
Muhammad Aji Nugroho, ”HERMENEUTIKAAL-QUR’ANHASAN HANAFI”, http:// www.e-bookspdf.org/download/hasan-hanafi.html
Richard E.Palmer, "Hermeneutika Teori Baru Mengenai Interpretasi"

[2] Paul Edwards, "The Encyclopedia of Philosphy" (London: Collier MacMillan Publishers, 1967), Vol. 1-2, hal. 403.
[4]Sean Ochan, "Pengantar Historisitas Wilhelm Dilthey" http://seanochan.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/pengantar-historisitas-wilhelm-dilthey/, diakses 21 Mei 2013.
[5]E.Sumaryono, "Hermeneutik, Sebuah Metode Filsafat", (Yogyakarta: Percetakan Kanisius, 1993), hlm. 43.
[7]E.Sumaryono. op.cit. hlm. 43.
[8]Muhammad Aji Nugroho, ”HERMENEUTIKAAL-QUR’ANHASAN HANAFI”, http:// www.e-bookspdf.org/download/hasan-hanafi.html , diakses 28 Agustus 2014.
[9]E.Sumaryono. op.cit. hlm. 47
[10]E.Sumaryono. op. cit. hlm. 46
[11]E.Sumaryono. op. cit. hlm. 48
[12]Richard E.Palmer, "Hermeneutika Teori Baru Mengenai Interpretasi" , hlm. 116-117
[13] E.Sumaryono. op. cit. hlm. 48-49.
[14]Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method "Kebenaran dan Metode,Pengantar filsafat Hermeneutika" ( Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset, 2004). Hlm. 266

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